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racy Ray, Technical Writer

Department Focus: Marketing

Surdex’s marketing department’s primary goal is to support our business development effort by producing materials that explain and showcase our superior performance and quality products. This includes many aspects of support including the development of print and digital material, market research, conference support, and contract management. Other key responsibilities include responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in collaboration with the sales and production staff and maintaining our pre-qualifications with many public entities. The marketing team also prepares material for our website, social media, and articles for publication. Our Marketing Manager, Mark Zeman, has been with Surdex for 6 years, and has four marketing personnel in his group.

Under normal circumstances, Surdex employees attend numerous conferences and trade shows in person, and marketing handles registration and preparation / shipping of booths and conference material to ensure our exhibitors have everything they need for a successful show.

When asked about the most rewarding part of her work, Kim Dedmon, Sales Support, said: “Client satisfaction calls. Some of our clients have never visited our office, but when they talk about our communication and they know how hard we worked on their project, it’s almost like they were sitting in on one of the ortho department meetings.”

Mark Zeman says one of the most rewarding things is “seeing the coordination among employees. Our group works with production, sales, IT, flight – and we bring all the pieces together so clients will see how we will meet all their needs and deliver quality products.”

Lorie Thomas, Proposal Coordinator, said she likes being on the marketing team because she likes “the people and how well we work together.”